Workspace setup

Similar to how ROS2 files are installed in /opt/ros/{ROS_DISTRO} so that you can have several distributions installed simultaneously, you can also have many separate workspaces in your system.

In addition, because files in the /opt folder require superuser privileges (for good reasons), having a user-wide workspace is the accepted practice. They call this an overlay.

Setting up

In ROS2, a workspace is nothing more than a folder in which all your packages are contained.

No, really, you just need to make a folder, e.g. the one we will use throughout these tutorials.

cd ~
mkdir -p ros2_tutorial_workspace/src

It is common practice to have all source files inside the src folder, so we will also do so for these tutorials. Nonetheless, it is not a strict requirement.

First build

Regardless of it being a currently empty project, we run colcon once to set up the environment and illustrate a few things. The program colcon is the build system of ROS2 and will be described in more detail later.

For now, run

cd ~/ros2_tutorial_workspace
colcon build

for which the output will be something similar to

Summary: 0 packages finished [0.17s]

given that we have an empty workspace, no surprise here.

The folders build, install, and log have been generated automatically by colcon. The project structure becomes as follows.

  └── src/
  └── build/
  └── install/
  └── log/

Inside the install folder lie all programs etc generated by the project that can be accessed by the users.

Do the following just once, so that all terminal windows automatically source this new workspace for you.

echo "# Source the ROS2 overlay, as instructed in" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "source ~/ros2_tutorial_workspace/install/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

However, since our workspace is currently empty, there’s not much we can do with it. Let’s add some content.