
This topic is under heavy construction. Don’t forget your PPE if you’re venturing forward.

Launch configurable Nodes (ros2 launch)

ROS2 has a tool to interact with launch files called ros2 launch.

We can obtain more information on it with

ros2 launch -h

which returns

usage: ros2 launch [-h] [-n] [-d] [-p | -s] [-a]
                   [--launch-prefix LAUNCH_PREFIX]
                   [--launch-prefix-filter LAUNCH_PREFIX_FILTER]
                   package_name [launch_file_name] [launch_arguments ...]

Run a launch file

positional arguments:
  package_name          Name of the ROS package which contains the launch
  launch_file_name      Name of the launch file
  launch_arguments      Arguments to the launch file; '<name>:=<value>' (for
                        duplicates, last one wins)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --noninteractive  Run the launch system non-interactively, with no
                        terminal associated
  -d, --debug           Put the launch system in debug mode, provides more
                        verbose output.
  -p, --print, --print-description
                        Print the launch description to the console without
                        launching it.
  -s, --show-args, --show-arguments
                        Show arguments that may be given to the launch file.
  -a, --show-all-subprocesses-output
                        Show all launched subprocesses' output by overriding
                        their output configuration using the
                        OVERRIDE_LAUNCH_PROCESS_OUTPUT envvar.
  --launch-prefix LAUNCH_PREFIX
                        Prefix command, which should go before all
                        executables. Command must be wrapped in quotes if it
                        contains spaces (e.g. --launch-prefix 'xterm -e gdb
                        -ex run --args').
  --launch-prefix-filter LAUNCH_PREFIX_FILTER
                        Regex pattern for filtering which executables the
                        --launch-prefix is applied to by matching the
                        executable name.

Despite the large number of possible options, there are no notable examples of options that are of particular use to us right now.

We can call our Node, configured with our launch file, with

ros2 launch python_package_that_uses_parameters_and_launch_files peanut_butter_falcon_quote_publisher_launch.py

which returns

[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/murilo/.ros/log/2023-06-30-17-00-07-522194-murilos-toaster-2963
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [amazing_quote_configurable_publisher_node-1]: process started with pid [2964]

showing that the launch was successful.


ros2 topic echo /truly_inspirational_quote

resulting in something similar to

id: 301
quote: Yeah, you're gonna die, it's a matter of time. That ain't the question. The question's, whether they're gonna have a good story ...
philosopher_name: Tyler
id: 302
quote: Yeah, you're gonna die, it's a matter of time. That ain't the question. The question's, whether they're gonna have a good story ...
philosopher_name: Tyler
id: 303
quote: Yeah, you're gonna die, it's a matter of time. That ain't the question. The question's, whether they're gonna have a good story ...
philosopher_name: Tyler

And there you have it. Feeling inspired yet?