
This topic is under heavy construction. Don’t forget your PPE if you’re venturing forward.

Inspecting parameters (ros2 param)

ROS2 has a tool to interact with launch files called ros2 param.

We can obtain more information on it with

ros2 param -h

which returns

usage: ros2 param [-h] Call `ros2 param <command> -h` for more detailed usage. ...

Various param related sub-commands

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  delete    Delete parameter
  describe  Show descriptive information about declared parameters
  dump      Dump the parameters of a node to a yaml file
  get       Get parameter
  list      Output a list of available parameters
  load      Load parameter file for a node
  set       Set parameter

  Call `ros2 param <command> -h` for more detailed usage.


By the time you try this out, the documentation of ros2 param dump might have changed. See ros2/ros2cli/#835.

As shown in the emphasized lines above, the ros2 param tool has a large number of useful commands to interact with parameters.

Launching the Node with parameters


If you left the Node running from the last section, just keep it that way and skip this.

ros2 launch \
python_package_that_uses_parameters_and_launch_files \

List-up parameters with ros2 param list


Remember that grep is your new best friend.

Similar to other ROS2 commands, we can get a list of currently loaded parameters with

ros2 param list

which returns a well organized list showing the parameters of each active Node


Obtain parameters with ros2 param get

To obtain the value of a parameter, we can do as follows

ros2 param get \
/peanut_butter_falcon_quote_publisher_node \

which will return the current value of the parameter, in this case, the initial value we set in the launch file

String value is: Yeah, you're gonna die, it's a matter of time. That ain't the question. The question's, whether they're gonna have a good story to tell about you when you're gone

Let’s check the output of the Node


If you left ros2 topic echo running from the last section, just keep it that way and skip this.

Before the next step, as we did in the past section, we do, IN ANOTHER TERMINAL WINDOW

ros2 topic echo /truly_inspirational_quote

Assign values to parameters with ros2 param set

For testing and regular usage, setting parameters from the command line is extremely helpful. Similar to how we are able to publish messages to topics using a ROS2 tool, we can set a parameter with the following syntax

ros2 param set \
/peanut_butter_falcon_quote_publisher_node \
quote \
"You got a good-guy heart. You can't do shit about it, that's just who you are. You're a hero."

If everything is correct, we’ll get

Set parameter successful

Changing parameters is not instantaneous and, after the change becomes visible in the Node, our Node might have to loop once before it updates itself. We will be able to see that change as follows in the terminal window running ros2 topic echo

id: 2220
quote: Yeah, you're gonna die, it's a matter of time. That ain't the question. The question's, whether they're gonna have a good story ...
philosopher_name: Tyler
id: 2221
quote: You got a good-guy heart. You can't do shit about it, that's just who you are. You're a hero.
philosopher_name: Tyler
id: 2222
quote: You got a good-guy heart. You can't do shit about it, that's just who you are. You're a hero.
philosopher_name: Tyler
id: 2223
quote: You got a good-guy heart. You can't do shit about it, that's just who you are. You're a hero.
philosopher_name: Tyler
id: 2224
quote: You got a good-guy heart. You can't do shit about it, that's just who you are. You're a hero.
philosopher_name: Tyler

Save parameters to a file with ros2 param dump


At the time I was writing this part of the tutorial, the description of ros2 param dump was outdated. By the time you try this out, it might have been corrected. See ros2/ros2cli/#836 for more info.

Words are sometimes little happy accidents. This usage of the word dump has no relation whatsoever to, for example, Peter got dumped by Sarah and went to Hawaii. Dump files are usually related to crashes and unresponsive programs, so this name puzzles me since ROS: the first.

While we wait for someone to come and correct me on my claims above, just think about this as a weird name for ros2 param print_to_screen_as_yaml. It prints the parameters in the terminal with a YAML file format. It is nice because it gives a bit more info than ros2 param list, but not so useful as-is. The trick is that we can put all that nicely formatted content into a file with

cd ~/ros2_tutorial_workspace/src
ros2 param dump \
/peanut_butter_falcon_quote_publisher_node \
> peanut_butter_falcon_quote_publisher_node.yaml

where we are using the > (see bash redirections) to overwrite the contents of the peanut_butter_falcon_quote_publisher_node.yaml file with the output of ros2 param dump, so be careful not to overwrite your precious files by mistake.

We can inspect the contents of the file with

cat peanut_butter_falcon_quote_publisher_node.yaml

which outputs

    period: 0.25
    philosopher_name: Tyler
    quote: Yeah, you're gonna die, it's a matter of time. That ain't the question.
      The question's, whether they're gonna have a good story to tell about you when
      you're gone
    topic_name: truly_inspirational_quote
    use_sim_time: false

Load parameters from a file with ros2 param load


To proceed, end the peanut_butter_falcon_quote_publisher_node Node with CTRL+C.

As in the prior step, suppose that we have a file peanut_butter_falcon_quote_publisher_node.yaml with the parameters we love the most. What we can do with ros2 param load is load that file. Nicely predictable and understandable naming convention.

We can start the Node with the launch file

ros2 launch python_package_that_uses_parameters_and_launch_files \

which, at the beginning, will have the parameters set in the _launch.py. We can then

cd ~/ros2_tutorial_workspace/src
ros2 param load \
/peanut_butter_falcon_quote_publisher_node \

which will return

Set parameter period successful
Set parameter philosopher_name successful
Set parameter quote successful
Set parameter topic_name successful
Set parameter use_sim_time successful

indicating that all parameters defined in the YAML were successfully loaded.