Creating a Python package (for ament_python)


This is NOT the only way to build Python packages in ROS2.

Packages in ROS2 can either rely on CMake or directly use setup tools available in Python. For pure Python projects, it might be easier to use ament_python, so we start this tutorial with it.

Let us build the simplest of Python packages and start from there.

cd ~/ros2_tutorial_workspace/src
ros2 pkg create the_simplest_python_package \
--build-type ament_python


If you don’t explicitly define the mantainer name and email, ros2 pkg create will try to:

  1. Define the mantainer’s name as the currently logged-in user’s name (see source and source).

  2. Define the mantainer’s email by getting it from git (see source). It will get whatever is defined with git config --global

which will result in the output below, meaning the package has been generated successfully.

going to create a new package
package name: the_simplest_python_package
destination directory: /home/murilo/ros2_tutorial_workspace/src
package format: 3
version: 0.0.0
description: TODO: Package description
maintainer: ['murilo <>']
licenses: ['TODO: License declaration']
build type: ament_python
dependencies: []
creating folder ./the_simplest_python_package
creating ./the_simplest_python_package/package.xml
creating source folder
creating folder ./the_simplest_python_package/the_simplest_python_package
creating ./the_simplest_python_package/
creating ./the_simplest_python_package/setup.cfg
creating folder ./the_simplest_python_package/resource
creating ./the_simplest_python_package/resource/the_simplest_python_package
creating ./the_simplest_python_package/the_simplest_python_package/
creating folder ./the_simplest_python_package/test
creating ./the_simplest_python_package/test/
creating ./the_simplest_python_package/test/
creating ./the_simplest_python_package/test/

[WARNING]: Unknown license 'TODO: License declaration'.  This has been set in the package.xml, but no LICENSE file has been created.
It is recommended to use one of the ament license identitifers:

We can build the workspace that now has this empty package using colcon

cd ~/ros2_tutorial_workspace
colcon build

which will now output

Starting >>> the_simplest_python_package
--- stderr: the_simplest_python_package
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/ SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.
Finished <<< the_simplest_python_package [1.72s]

Summary: 1 package finished [1.89s]
  1 package had stderr output: the_simplest_python_package

meaning that colcon successfully built the example package.


In this version of ROS2, all ament_python packages will output a SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning. This is related to this issue on Github. Until that is fixed, just ignore it.